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[Dialog] Sliding Dialog

by izen8 2011. 4. 26.


This Source Code is for building a sliding dialog, one that slide's out from under another dialog. I have seen someone who already did it, but this code is easier to understand and I have implemented it in a different (and better) way. The OnTop class can be used with any Dialog. There can even be more than one sliding dialog associated with parent-dialog.

Steps To A Working Sliding Dialog

  1. Create a MFC dialog based application.
  2. Create a dialog resource using the resource editor, and then create the dialog class to associate with the dialog resource using class wizard.
  3. Add SlidingSon.h and SlidingSon.cpp to your Workspace
  4. Add a SlideSon.h include directive to your dialog class header.
  5. In your newlly created dialog class replace the base class in the associated header file to CSlideSon from CDialog.
  6. Do the same thing in the dialog's implementation file. Do not forget to replace class name in the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP declaration.
  7. In order to make this dialog modeless, add a create member function to your dialog header with no parameters.
  8. In the dialog's implementation file add the create function as follows:
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    return CSlideSon::Create(<<Your dialog class name>>::IDD);
  9. Add a button to your main application dialog to open / close the sliding dialog, or use any other event to open the sliding dialog.
  10. I recommend adding a boolean value to your main application dialog class which will indicate the state of the SlidingSon. Because we create a modeless dialog, you will have to add a member variable that will point to your sliding dialog class object.
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    <<Your sliding dialog class name>>* m_pModeless;
  11. When you wish to slide the dialog out, use the following code in your application dialog event handlers:
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    m_pModeless = new <<Your sliding dialog class name>>(this);
    if (<<Your sliding dialog class name>> ->GetSafeHwnd()==0)
  12. Note that you can control the sliding speed with integer values and slide direction (RIGHT, LEFT)
  13. When you wish to close the dialog use the following code:
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    delete m_pModelles;
  14. To slide the dialog back when you press the cancel\ok button of the sliding dialog, add the following line after
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    ON_MESSAGE(WM_CLOSE_SLIDING,OnClose)  // OnClose or any event handling 
                                          // function
  15. You can change the ratio between the sliding dialog and its father in the SlidingSon.cpp
  16. Catch the OnMove() event for the main application dialog, and call m_pModelled->RePosition(), to update the sliding dialog�s position.
